Enhance your loan with tools to help you monitor your credit, weather a storm and improve your financial health faster.

Features & Benefits

Progressa Plus is an optional subscription service available with all of our loans.

Features and benefits include:

Equifax Credit Health

We have partnered with Equifax to provide subscribers with an extensive credit monitoring portal that goes well beyond your current credit score to help you gain a 360 degree view of your financial health.

Maple Telehealth

Progressa Plus helps with regular health too! We have partnered with Maple to give you access to a doctor or nurse practitioner through any device in minutes with the Maple App.

Skip a Payment

If your budget is tighter than usual, Progressa Plus allows you to skip a payment when you need to and gain a little extra breathing room. Check our Terms and Conditions for all the details.

No NSF Fees

Depending on your province, if you miss your loan payment, it can cost you as much as $50. For Progressa Plus subscribers, we will waive our NSF fee.

Terms & Conditions

We try to keep things simple. Customers with an active Progressa Plus subscription will enjoy the Features & Benefits listed above.

The cost of a subscription is $24 per month, plus applicable taxes, and is billed with your loan’s scheduled payment. If you pay your loan bi-weekly, your subscription fee will be $11.08 plus tax per payment. If you pay your loan twice a month, your subscription fee will be $12 plus tax per payment.

You can use the Skip a Payment feature for up to three months worth of payments in any twelve month period, up to a maximum of six months worth of payments over the life of your loan. When you skip a payment, that payment moves to the end of your loan and does not accrue interest until it becomes due again. In order to skip a payment, you need to contact us at least seven calendar days before your scheduled payment is due. You also must have successfully made your first three months worth of payments on time and in full in order to be eligible for your first skipped payment.

As long as you successfully pay your subscription fee with each loan payment, your subscription will be active.

If you miss a payment that is ok, as long as you catch up on any missed payments as soon as you can. Missing a payment will extend the time it will take you to fully pay your loan. We will keep your subscription active and you can enjoy all of the benefits of Progressa Plus as long as you do not let your loan reach 60 days past due. If you reach that point, your subscription will become inactive.

Last Updated: August 23rd, 2024